SF Marina’s extensive experience and innovative approach make us leaders in bespoke floating concrete structures. Our main production site in Wallhamn, Sweden, equipped with a deep-water quay, enables the efficient global delivery of custom-built solutions, loaded onto geared vessels or submersible barges.
When it comes to floating structures, the only limit is your imagination. From floating saunas and boatsheds to helipads, stages, terraces, and overpass bridges, SF Marina delivers durable, long-lasting marina systems supported by robust concrete technology.
SF Marina turns vision into reality, crafting floating structures tailored to specified geometries and freeboard requirements. Whether for floating homes, hotels, restaurants, diving platforms, cruiseship piers, event spaces, fuel stations, ferry landings, or premium marinas, SF Marina ensures every design is expertly realised.
Esempi di pontoni speciali

Service buildings
Floating Service Buildings are economical to purchase, do not use up valuable land and have low life cycle costs. Intelligent Floating Platform is maintenance-free, does not harm the seabed or marine life and lasts for at least 50 years.
Un moderno porto turistico deve offrire qualcosa di più di semplici ormeggi e la varietà di soluzioni galleggianti e di altre strutture essenziali - come gli edifici di utilità e di servizio - possono essere utilizzati per aggiungere servizi di valore. Club house galleggianti, caffè ed edifici per uffici sono scelte popolari per gli operatori del porto turistico e per altri fornitori in loco, come la dogana e la guardia costiera. È universalmente accettato che la centralizzazione delle operazioni che creano entrate abbia un impatto positivo sulle entrate dei porti turistici e gli edifici per i servizi portuali sono esempi delle soluzioni "chiavi in mano" offerte nel "porto turistico integrato all-inclusive".

Stazioni di servizio
Our fuel pontoons are developed in cooperation with experienced specialists. They are available as either pontoons with built in fuel tanks or as floats prepared for pumps installed on the pontoon and the fuel tanks on land. Our fuel stations are approved according to the latest requirements. Contact us for more information on how we can help with designing your tank pontoon for optimum utilization.

Helicopter and seaplane platforms
Seaplanes are an excellent way of transporting people and goods between large cities, along coastal routes and to and from remote islands or inland lakes. Landing stages for seaplanes are designed to be easily adjusted for each particular location and to meet the needs of the operator company. Apart from the floating pontoon itself, which is always assembled from standard pontoons, all related equipment is specially designed for seaplanes and their users. All safety equipment, soft fenders, ‘in deck’ service utilities, lighting, bridges and mooring systems are fully customised in order to meet the very strict regulations required both by Civil Aviation Agency and local Port Authorities. Seaplane stations are very good examples of flexibility in developing truly tailor-made products.

Floating houses
Floating houses are unique solutions for year-round living, as a workplace or for a second home. Living in a floating home is a stylish life choice and if you love the sea, you will love the floating house. Construction is environmentally bullet proof, with no negative impact on the seabed or marine life. Intelligent Floating Platform lasts for more than 50 years and is maintenance-free.

Atterraggi di traghetti

Piattaforme settiche