SF pontona aps
The Danes have a strong maritime tradition, from the early days of the Vikings to the present, and the country has won more Olympic medals in sailing than in any other sport. This is maybe not surprising, as Denmark has been endowed with a coastline of over 7,000 kilometres, dotted with some 400 pleasure-boat harbours.
SF Marina’s presence in Denmark dates back to 1972, when its first concrete pontoons were delivered to Rungsted Havn, 30 kilometres north of Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen. The pontoons are still in use today, over 50 years later. SF Pontona ApS was founded in 2012. Pontona’s floating breakwaters and concrete pontoons are produced at the SF Marina plant in Wallhamn, Sweden..

Henrik Breuning-Hansen, CEO
Amaliegade 26
1256 København
Mob: +45 31 15 15 54
Email: henrik@sfpontona.dk